Even if you don’t have a magnetic personality I will venture to say that you will be attracted to this week’s episode where I sit down with Robert Dennis, PhD. Dr. Dennis is a former NASA scientist who was brought on and was a skeptic of PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) technology but upon seeing the real data in his lab, he flipped over from skeptic side to advocate. His company Micropulse manufactures very affordable technology. Please join us for this “magnetic” conversation.
Show Notes

Robert Dennis, PhD – Scientist, engineer, and inventor, and a tenured associate professor at UNC Chapel Hill
Dr. Dennis 03:29 Discusses his background as a Scientist
Dr. Dennis 04:38 His Skeptical Beginning with PEMF
Dr. Dennis 05:00 The Scientific Literature
Dr. Dennis 05:45 NASA Experiments with PEMF
Dr. Dennis 06:33 PEMF Effects on Cellular Growth
Dr. Dennis 10:00 PEMF and the FDA
Dr. Barrett 15:40 Trans Cranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and PEMF
Dr. Dennis 17:34 Faraday Induction

Dr. Dennis 18:25 Magnetic Fields and ICES
Dr. Dennis 20:04 Inductive Coupling
Dr. Barrett 23:15 Starting with TMS
Dr. Dennis 23:30 Through the Skin and Bone
Dr. Barrett 24:23 Discusses his Personal Experience with PEMF.
Dr. Barrett and Dr. Dennis 27:03 Discuss Contraindications of PEMF and Metal Implants
Dr. Dennis 33:57 Streaming Curves
Dr. Dennis 38:18 Ion Movement and Electric and Magnetic Fields
Dr. Barrett 40:10 Functional MRI’s after TMS