If you have a thyroid—and I’m guessing most of you do, and you want to keep it happy and healthy, you may want to listen to this episode with Dr. Alan Christianson a multiple NY Times best seller and one of the world’s top Thyroid experts. Hell, he wrote “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Thyroid Disease”.  I love this book so what does that make me…. No don’t say it.  Just tune in and start spelunking.

Books By Alan Christianson, NMD S1 Ep 11

thyroid reset diet book
metabolism reset diet book
adrenal reset diet book

Show Notes


Alan Christianson is a 7 times New York Times Bestselling Author and a Phoenix, Arizona-based Naturopathic Medical Doctor (NMD) who specializes in natural endocrinology with a focus on thyroid disorders. He is the author of the Adrenal Reset Diet, the Complete Idiot’s Guide to Thyroid Disease, The Metabolism Reset Diet, and The Thyroid Reset Diet, and others.

adrenal reset diet book
thyroid reset diet book
metabolism reset diet book

01:54 Dr. Barrett: Books that Dr. Christianson has authored.

03:40 Dr. Christianson’s personal journey with health and fitness.

05:29 Dr. Barrett and Dr. Christianson discuss thyroid fundamentals

06:27 Christianson discusses the demographics of thyroid disease.

07:52 The exponential increase in Thyroid disease. 30 million Americans now have thyroid disease of some form or fashion.

08:27 Thyroid physiology.

10:14 Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and autoimmunity.

12:24 Discussion of thyroid antibodies

13:10 Genetics of thyroid disease:  Grave’s and Hashimoto’s.

15:45 The Denmark Study and history of iodine fortification.

22:31 General Symptoms of thyroid disease.

23:55 Discussion of thyroid labs and interpretation.

28:43 Age as a driver of thyroid disease.

29:16 Drivers of thyroid cancer

30:49 Thyroid drug treatment

33:24 The swimming pool analogy.

37:48 Wolff–Chaikoff effect

39:14 HPA Axis, Addison’s and Cushing’s syndromes

40:59 The relationship between insulin and the thyroid.

46:26 The thyroid reset diet.

50:38 The Egg Yolk disappointment.

51:48 How to get in touch with Dr. Christianson.
