We’re excited to bring you our latest episode of Pod of Inquiry, featuring an illuminating conversation with Boris Berjan, the visionary from Theia Health who’s transforming how we understand our body’s relationship with glucose.

In this episode, we explore:

  • The game-changing potential of continuous glucose monitoring for everyday health optimization
  • How real-time glucose data is revolutionizing personalized nutrition
  • Common misconceptions about blood sugar management
  • The future of preventive healthcare through continuous monitoring

Whether you’re a health tech enthusiast, someone managing their blood sugar, or simply curious about optimizing your wellbeing, this conversation offers valuable insights into one of healthcare’s most promising innovations.

Essentials of Diagnostic Ultrasound

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Guest Biography

Boris Berjan

Boris Berjan

Boris Berjan is a 2x chronic illness conqueror, who at one point had 7 different doctors (from MDs to energy healers) and became extremely frustrated with the shotgun approach applied to his health without real-time objective data.

Everyone on my healthcare team had different ideas/philosophies on what I should do, causing me more confusion, anxiety, and stress instead of helping me navigate personalized decision-making. When I did try things, it was extremely tedious and time-consuming to relay that info to my entire health team.

Thus, leveraging a strong background in building & scaling companies I made it my mission to discover how we can accurately and in real-time understand any action’s impact on our health. Out of my mission Theia Health was created (Theia is the Greek goddess of insight – a fitting connection as we unlock useful health insights not possible before)

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Show Notes from this episode

  • Introduction to Boris Berjan and Continuous Glucose Monitoring 0:00
    • Barrett introduces Boris Berjan, head of Theia, a company specializing in continuous glucose monitoring (CGM).
    • Barrett expresses his admiration for CGM as a biofeedback mechanism for optimizing metabolism.
    • Boris Berjan shares his personal journey with chronic diseases, starting with asthma diagnosed at age seven.
    • Boris describes his experience with asthma, the impact of moving to Canada, and the improvement in his lung capacity.
  • Boris’ Personal Health Journey and Diagnosis of Crohn’s Disease 3:54
    • Boris recounts his rapid weight loss and diagnosis of severe Crohn’s disease in his late teens.
    • He describes the severe condition of his small intestine and the dire prognosis from doctors.
    • Boris’ decision to take control of his health through a “shotgun approach” to healthcare, including various practitioners and lifestyle changes.
    • His experience with pre-ops and the decision to cancel surgery due to his recovery.
  • Challenges and Successes in Managing Crohn’s Disease 8:50
    • Boris discusses the mixed feelings of having surgery canceled and the role of immunosuppressants in his recovery.
    • He describes the confusion and conflicting advice from different healthcare practitioners.
    • Boris shares the physical and emotional toll of his condition, including severe pain and frequent hospital visits.
    • His determination to understand his body and the importance of seeing inside his body to make informed decisions.
  • Transition to Continuous Glucose Monitoring 15:55
    • Boris explains his transition to continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) about two years ago.
    • He reflects on the lack of CGM technology during his illness and how it would have helped him.
    • Boris’ dietary changes and experiments to manage his condition, including eliminating certain foods and introducing nutrient-dense options.
    • His journey from a high-carb diet to a more balanced Mediterranean-style diet.
  • Theia’s Approach to Continuous Glucose Monitoring 32:29
    • Boris describes Theia’s mission to make CGM data actionable and understandable for users.
    • The development of a software layer to provide real-time metabolic scores and feedback on lifestyle choices.
    • The importance of correlating data with activities, meals, and other factors to understand their impact on metabolic health.
    • The goal of creating a unified platform for practitioners and patients to improve healthcare outcomes.
  • Benefits of Continuous Glucose Monitoring 36:28
    • Barrett highlights the benefits of CGM as a stress monitor and its role in managing metabolic health.
    • Boris emphasizes the continuous nature of CGM data and its ability to provide insights into lifestyle impacts.
    • Examples of how CGM data can reveal stress triggers, such as exposure to mold or watching negative news.
    • The potential for CGM to improve overall health and prevent chronic diseases by providing real-time feedback.
  • Theia’s Integration with Healthcare Providers 40:15
    • Boris explains the process for healthcare providers to integrate Theia’s CGM program into their practice.
    • The simplicity of the onboarding process for practitioners and patients.
    • The affordability of Theia’s CGM program, including the $99 activation fee and hardware cost.
    • The comprehensive support provided by Theia, including sensor support and weekly insight reports.
  • Barrett’s Recommendation and Final Thoughts 44:18
    • Barrett recommends practitioners try Theia’s CGM program themselves to experience its benefits.
    • He emphasizes the importance of CGM in managing metabolic health and preventing chronic diseases.
    • Boris provides the website link for practitioners to sign up and integrate Theia’s CGM program into their practice.
    • Barrett and Boris express mutual appreciation for each other’s contributions to the healthcare industry.

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